94 products
4" sansevieria moonshine
6" sansevieria night owl
4" ficus ruby/sylvie
4" opuntia asst
4" sansevieria fernwood mikado
4" sansevieria futura superba
4" norfolk island pine
4" calathea medallion
4" bird of paradise
4" pothos marble queen
6" sanseveria whale fin
6" kalanchoe mother of thousands
striped urchin
juncea red
green urchin sm
ionantha orange
4" aloe vera
4" philodendron moonlight
3" echeveria
tillandsia xerographica small
juncea 6-8"
lucky bamboo 8in
3" assorted foliage
4" hoya wayetii
4" goldfish
6" scindapsus sterling
4" anthurium superbum
2" carnivorous