72 products
4" pothos golden
6" calathea mako
2" cacti assorted
4" sansevieria zeylancia
8" pothos marble queen hb
4" african violet
4" ponytail palm guatemalan
2" carnivorous
6" ficus lyrata
6" ficus burgundy bush
tillandsia xerographica small
tillandsia xerographica lg
striped urchin
juncea red
ionantha orange
tillandsia houston purple (x)
juncea 6-8"
green urchin sm
4” pilea peperomioides
4" aloe vera
4" cactus asst
4" string of dolphins
4" string of bananas
6" jade
2" terrarium plant
8" pothos neon hb
4" spider plant bonnie
2" succulent plugs assorted
we'll choose for you!